Welcome to Speedyshop by HiSOFT SYSTEMS.

$hidden$messagePlease enter / amend your details in the boxes provided below. You must fill in the indicated fields of the billing address. If you enter a different shipping address, for security reasons we will need to contact you before accepting your order. Again, for security reasons we will only deliver to a shipping address that is in the same country as the billing address. These measures are taken to protect our customers against credit card fraud.


 Billing address
Full name

Postal / Zip code
Daytime phone
Evening phone
Email address
 Shipping address (change if different)
Full name

Postal / Zip code
Country Same as billing address
Daytime phone
Evening phone

Copyright ©1998 by HiSOFT SYSTEMS. All Rights Reserved.
If you have an enquiry about an order, please email our sales department.
The webmaster is the person to email to about any site related problems.